Miley Cyrus: The Starlet & Songstress With The Biggest Heart

Miley Cyrus is known today, to many, as being quite radical with her choice of dress and most recent performances. I see Miley in a much different light. Yes, I do agree that she could tone it down a bit with the nudity. However, I do believe that Miley is just being Miley. As a young 22 year old, I know that she is just living her life and having fun! People have to remember that she was a child star and is in the midst of discovering her new self as an adult. I have loved Miley Cyrus' enigmatic and unique personality since day 1! Hannah Montana was my life! lol I used to, and sometimes still do, live for anything Hannah Montana! In my opinion, Miley Cyrus is such a talented and confident individual who offers so much to the entertainment world! She has a beautiful singing voice & can act brilliantly on both television and in movies! Miley's true and genuine personality is what I love most about her! I also love that she doesn't care what anybody thinks about her and always stays true to herself! That is such an important quality one should always possess! Life isn't about pleasing everyone, and it's ok to be you! So I would just like to thank Miley Cyrus for further strengthening my self-confidence and love for music that tells a story! Rock on girl! I'm proud of ya! lol
Miley Cyrus' sit down interview with Barbara Walters (2008)
Miley Cyrus' second appearance with Barbara Walters (2014)
This is my favorite quote by Miley Cyrus. I chose this quote as my yearbook quote back in high school. I love this quote because it expresses the absolute truth! Life is all about learning from one's mistakes and is a never ending cycle!
Lol, this is video made me laugh hysterically!
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